Covid Response
Dear Community Members,
We would like to inform you all that BCH now have home made masks contributed by our community volunteers and donated disposable masks from organizations, agencies, and individuals.
BCH will prioritize the distribution of these masks to affected families, quarantined families, and families those who are mourning the loss of their beloved ones at this difficult time.
If you are in need of mask, please write us a message here in our Facebook page (Direct Message preferred) or contact us directly so that we can assist your need adequately. If you are a community member living in Mechanicsburg area in need of mask, please reach out to:
N.P Poudel @ (717) 884 – 2004 ( Thank you N.P sir for your coordination and help)
BCH would like to take this time to appreciate and thank all of our volunteers listed below for their generous kindness and time to contribute home made masks to Bhutanese Community in Harrisburg. Please take moment to thank them all.
1. Bidya Chhetri
2. Prakash Chhetri
3. Bishnu Luitel
4. Bal K. Bhattarai
5. Bhima Adhikari
6. Deepak Biswakarma
7. Sapana Sharma
8. Laxmi Nepal
BCH is also grateful/thankful to following individuals/organizations for coordinating and donating masks and supplies to our community. We really do appreciate your help and support towards our organization.
1. Jeeyar Educational Trust. ( Thank you Devraj Dhungana for coordinating with Jeeyar Educational Trust for donating masks to BCH)
2. A Plus Insurance. ( Thank you Rudra Dangal and Andy Diamin Jiang for the masks donation)
3. Laxu Dhamala. ( Thank you Laxu Dhamala for donating masks, Gloves, and Sanitizers to BCH)
Once again, thanks to all the volunteers and donors. We shall overcome this pandemic with each other’s coordination, cooperation, and systematization.